Prof. Dr. Rod Anthony Wing


Derzeitige StellungProfessor W-3 und Äquivalente
FachgebietGenetik der Pflanzen,Pflanzenzüchtungen, Pflanzenpathologie
Keywordsmaize, rice, physical mapping, genome sequencing, evolutionary genomics

Aktuelle Kontaktadresse

Universität/InstitutionUniversity of Arizona
Institut/AbteilungDepartment of Plant Sciences

Gastgeber*innen während der Förderung

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Detlef WeigelAbteilung 6 - Molekulare Biologie, Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie Tübingen, Tübingen
Beginn der ersten Förderung01.08.2009


2009Humboldt-Forschungspreis-Programm für Naturwissenschaftler*innen aus den USA

Projektbeschreibung der*des Nominierenden

Professor Wing is a leading authority in plant genome research who has played key roles in sequencing the genomes of two of the most important crop plants, rice and corn. As a next step, he is seeking to exploit the genomes of close relatives to improve domesticated rice. In Germany, he will spearhead a similar effort for the cabbage family. This project will be equally interesting for breeders and for basic research, as it will produce important fundamental insights into genome evolution.