Prof. Dr. Maria Jose Vega Ramos


Derzeitige StellungProfessor W-3 und Äquivalente
FachgebietRomanische Literaturwissenschaften,Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft; Kulturwissenschaft
KeywordsRoman, Lyrik und Theater der Renaissance, Wunderliteratur, Poetiken, Zensursystem, Gattungstheorien

Aktuelle Kontaktadresse

Universität/InstitutionUniversitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Institut/AbteilungFacultat de Lletres

Gastgeber*innen während der Förderung

Prof. Dr. Christoph StrosetzkiRomanisches Seminar, Spanisch-Portugiesisch-Lateinamerikanische Abteilung, Universität Münster, Münster
Beginn der ersten Förderung01.05.2013


2012Humboldt-Forschungspreis-Programm für Geisteswissenschaftler*innen

Projektbeschreibung der*des Nominierenden

Frau Prof. Dr. José Maria Vega Ramos is one of the most significant academics in the field of the Spanish Renaissance. Her research into the topics: 'Literature of Wonder,' and Censorship in the Early Modern period, as well as her many articles on poetics, theatre, and prose from the Spanish Renaissance, has become a fundamental reference point for international research. Of premium importance is Prof. Dr. Maria Vegas's role as leader of numerous national and international research groups, including one in which the University of Münster is involved. The project, entitled "Knowledge and Practices in European Humanism," is something Prof. Dr. José Maria Vega Ramos will continue to work on during her stay in Münster.