Prof. Dr. Martin Albrecht


Derzeitige StellungProfessor W-3 und Äquivalente
FachgebietAnorganische Molekülchemie
Keywordscoordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, abnormal carbenes, catalysis, materials chemistry

Aktuelle Kontaktadresse

Universität/InstitutionUniversität Bern
Institut/AbteilungDepartement für Chemie und Biochemie

Gastgeber*innen während der Förderung

Prof. Dr. Ekkehardt HahnInstitut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Universität Münster, Münster
Beginn der ersten Förderung01.03.2014


2013Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreis-Programm

Projektbeschreibung der*des Nominierenden

Professor Martin Albrecht from the University College Dublin, Ireland, is internationally known for his research on organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis. He has made important contributions to the design of novel mesoionic carbenes for biomimetic applications and as ligands in catalytically active complexes. In his studies, Professor Albrecht combines elegantly advanced synthetic methodologies with methods from theoretical chemistry and spectroscopy. During his stay in Germany, he intends to study heterobimetallic complexes held together by a polycarbene scaffold.