The German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposia (GAFOE) are a series of interdisciplinary, binational conferences which are co-organized bi-annually by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH). Funding on the German side is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Each symposium brings together 60 outstanding, early-career engineers and natural scientists from industry, universities, and other research institutions to introduce their areas of research and technical work, thereby facilitating a cross-disciplinary transfer of knowledge and methodology. Participants question and expand the boundaries of their respective disciplines – for example through discussions of current advancements, innovative research and emerging opportunities.
The symposium promotes the development of cooperative networks among scientists from the United States and Germany. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supports such collaborations between participants from both countries with its special follow-up program “CONNECT” which allocates residence allowances for working visits in the partner countries for up to 30 days.
Following the motto of this year’s symposium „On the way towards sustainability and resiliency“ the following topics will be discussed:
- Neuromorphic Computing
- Supply Chain Resiliency
- Sustainable Production & Circular Economy
- The Hydrogen Economy
The scientific program of the symposium is designed by an organizing committee comprised of five US and five German researchers. Conference Co-chairs for the GAFOE Symposium 2023 are Olivier Guillon, Forschungszentrum Jülich and Thomas Kurfess, Georgia Institute of Technology. Thanks to the kind support of Olivier Guillon the GAFOE Symposium 2023 will be hosted by the Forschungszentrum Jülich.