
Frontiers Symposium

Turkish-German Frontiers of Social Science Symposium 2021 "Moving forward: The impact of the digital revolution on societies" (Part II) (Virtuell)


Moving forward: The impact of the digital revolution on societies
A year and a half into the pandemic – what has changed? What’s up next?

The second part of this conference takes up the main question on the changes and new challenges that have arisen due to the pandemic on national and international level. Questions on the developments within research, the data collected based on new approaches and the recent findings will be addressed.

Partners and goals

The Turkish-German Frontiers of Social Science Symposia (TUGFOSS) are a joint undertaking of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Koç University. The program is financed by Stiftung Mercator and Koç University.

This symposium series brings together approx. 50 outstanding young researchers of various disciplines from Turkey and Germany. They exchange ideas across disciplinary boundaries and take the opportunity to work on future Turkish-German collaborations. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supports such collaborative work with its special follow-up program "CONNECT".

The format is modeled after further bi- and tri-national Frontiers of Research Symposia the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation regularly conducts with Brazil, China, India, Israel, Japan, United Kingdom and the USA in the natural sciences, engineering and humanities.

Participation is by invitation only.

Session contents

Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in fields of security, safety, and health – Digitization on trial

  • COVID-19 and AI in healthcare: AI evolution during pandemic
  • Digitalization in the pandemics - Challenges for disaster management actors
  • Digital transformation and COVID-19: collective versus personal perceptions of security
  • Open data for COVID-19: Does it help us to save lives or breach our personal limits?

Overexposing to media during pandemic: Research and insights for children, learners and teachers

  • Mediatization, gender inequality and the domestic space: COVID-19 school closures and the experiences of academic mothers in Izmir and Istanbul
  • COVID-19, time and media: Time for slowing down or speeding up?
  • Dynamics between media repertoires and discourses. A perspective for networked communication in times a global pandemic
  • Lost and found in distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic

Platforms, inclusion and black boxes during the pandemic

  • Young audiences and public service media: digital transformations of the principle of the common good
  • Re-designing fieldwork during pandemic times
  • Spreading of misinformation through recommender systems in the global pandemic
  • Social bots in social media. Considerations on the role of automated communication in the public sphere

How has the pandemic changed social interactions?

  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic change human-robot interaction (HRI) research?
  • How has the pandemic changed social interactions?
  • Conducting psychological experiments in times of contact restrictions using Virtual Reality


Gizem Bekil
Koç University
College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Rumeli Feneri Yolu
34450 Istanbul, Turkey

Stephanie Dill
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Berlin Office / Frontiers of Research Programme
Markgrafenstrasse 37
10117 Berlin, Germany

vorherige Veranstaltung Einführungsseminar für neue Bundeskanzler-Stipendiat*innen
nächste Veranstaltung Einführungsveranstaltung für neue Bundeskanzler-Stipendiat*innen und Gastgeber*innen (virtuell)